Five Simple Habits of Organised People

When we procrastinate and put things off, stressful thoughts flash though our mind and soon we experience an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. We can live more healthily and wholesomely, when we manage our time effectively and organise our space. To integrate this in...

Sustainable and Healthy

Sustainable and Healthy Thirty years ago, when I still lived in Germany, I was part of the ‘Oeko’ movement which gained in momentum. People like me were looking for a healthier life style, natural fiber and organic food.  As a result society nicknamed us...

Healthy and Organised

~ Healthy and Organised ~ With the Moontime Diary ~     Are you looking for a practical and sustainable way to Stay Healthy and Organised? Gardeners who tend to their plants by the moon  (watch this short clip here) grow healthier and more resilient produce...

High Expectations and Optimism

  New Moon in Sagittarius Friday 7 December 2018 Next Friday the Moon and Sun will meet at 15 degrees in Sagittarius at 6:20 pm (AEDT). Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign, is ruled by our expansive and enthusiastic planet Jupiter which last month moved into...