
When we procrastinate and put things off, stressful thoughts flash though our mind and soon we experience an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. We can live more healthily and wholesomely, when we manage our time effectively and organise our space. To integrate this in your daily life, read these simple habits of organised people.

Five Simple Habits of Organised People:

  • Write things down, make lists of what needs to be done

By writing lists you can relieve your brain from stress and overwhelm.

  • Schedule tasks

By scheduling tasks, you allocate time for it. This increases the likelihood you do it and do it properly.

  • Work with time frames

Setting and working within time frames helps to finish tasks without too much procrastination. As a result, you also have something to look forward to: the task being finished and ticking it off the list.

  • Declutter – quick 10 min clean every morning or evening 

Decluttering your home and work environment helps your mind to be at ease. Spending just 10 minutes a day to make your bed and put things into their right place keeps your space free of clutter. This keeps your mind focused on the task at hand.

  • Align home maintenance tasks, gardening activities and health treatments to the Moon 

By aligning your activities and treatments to the seasons and moon phases you make the most of your time, effort and resources.



Gabrielle Sh. M.: This Diary is phenomenal. It helped me pick the right time to find a job, to look after my garden, helped me grow my hair and more it’s amazing! I am now using it to plan my pregnancy.