Keep Your Immune System Healthy

I was lucky enough to get an understanding of how our body works fairly early on in my adult life. Nursing and studying alternative therapies have helped me ‘weather’ illnesses and also develop a healthy trust in my body’s healing power. Admittedly not everyone is blessed the same way, but simplifying a busy lifestyle can help.

Some of the more important factors to staying healthy are:

  • Strengthen your immune system ~ Study after study shows that nutritious food, moderate exercise and rest for body mind and spirit boost your immune system ~ while a lack of it hurts your immune system.
  • Listen to and support your body in what it is trying to do. E.g. stay in bed and sweat it out. Allow yourself to have a fever, instead of suppressing your body’s response with aspirin; or, allow your digestive system to rest if you don’t have an appetite. This way, your body can use the energy for healing, instead of digesting food.
  • Rest and recover at home, stay to yourself. By ‘soldering on’ you are spreading infections which not everybody needs to have.

Isn’t it interesting that the COVID virus affects the lungs? I cannot help but see the correlation here between the burning forests, the lungs of our planet, and our personal lungs. Lungs also relate to grief, and many of us are grieving about the environmental devastation we have been witnessing. Yes, our lifestyle needs adjustment! If we like it or not, all the grounded planes are contributing to a cleaner atmosphere, ah ~ the silver lining:)

Well, a strong immune system might not prevent you from getting an infection, but it certainly will muster your body’s healing powers. A strong immune system helps you get through it, and you also have a better chance of full recovery, while suppressing your immune system might lead to chronic fatigue. Translate this to the health of our planet and consider ways to strengthen not only yourself but also your environment.

For more in-depth health advice regarding a strong immune system

For More On Natural Health And Wellbeing In Tune with Seasons and Cycles 


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