by moontime | Oct 13, 2022 | Astrology, Blog, Health and Wellbeing, House, Moon Phases
Northern Hemisphere Moon Moontime Diary 2023 Hardcover Colour Edition Paperback Black and White Edition For more info click here: Moon, Moon Diary, Lunar...
by moontime | Nov 20, 2019 | Blog
Looking for Useful and Sustainable Christmas Gifts? I always am looking for useful gifts which keep on giving. This shortlist is meant to inspire you for the upcoming Christmas Season: How annoying is it to replace laundry pegs? I have used the wooden ones, thinking...
by moontime | Oct 16, 2019 | Blog
Our Natural Environment is the most precious resource humankind has. Therefore it makes sense to become aware of what really is going on and how each of us can contribute to making a difference. If we improve our own daily habits at home and at work, we model more...
by moontime | Sep 17, 2019 | Blog
Sustainable and Healthy Thirty years ago, when I still lived in Germany, I was part of the ‘Oeko’ movement which gained in momentum. People like me were looking for a healthier life style, natural fiber and organic food. As a result society nicknamed us...