Moontime Diary 2021 Wholesale Launch

Moontime Diary 2021 Wholesale Launch Moontime Diary is the exclusive wholesale distributor and we are ready to take pre-orders from retail outlets and online shops now. To register your shop, please apply here: Wholesale Registration For Retail & Online Shops in...

Health and Beauty Treatments by the Moon

Did you know that you can improve health and beauty treatments by being more particular when making the appointment? The moon’s gravitational pull on the ocean is well known to us as tides. Imagine, most living beings consist of approximately 75% water in the...

Housekeeping and Maintenance by the Moon

  Some times cleaning windows is effortless and turns out better than at other times when you just can’t get it right. You might even have wondered how this could be the case? At least part of the explanation has to do with the moisture content in the atmosphere...

‘Easy Organic Gardening’ and the ‘Moontime Diary’

It is spring here in Australia and we are feeling the heat already. Bushfire season, droughts and water shortages are three big concerns, probably more so than ever before. So how can we protect our pot plants, vegetables and lawns? Use good compost and/or mulch about...

Setting Intentions at New Moon in Scorpio

Setting Intentions at New Moon In times gone by, most cultures celebrated seasonal markers such as equinoxes, solstices, new and full moons. Traditionally these gatherings were devoted to fertility goddesses and gods, asking for healthy, abundant crops and giving...