by moontime | Oct 16, 2023 | Astrology, Blog, Health and Wellbeing, Moon Phases
A (partial or total) solar eclipse in Libra, holds profound astrological significance, as it combines the energy of both the Sun and the Moon within the realm of Libra’s themes, which include balance, relationships, harmony, and diplomacy. This celestial event...
by moontime | Aug 17, 2023 | Astrology, Blog, Gardening, Healing Herbs, Health and Wellbeing, Moon Phases
The Moon in Virgo: Embracing Precision and Nurturing with Practicality The Moon in Virgo feels practical and detail-oriented, illuminating our emotions with a gentle glow of precision and nurturance. When the Moon graces Virgo’s celestial territory, it infuses...
by moontime | Sep 6, 2022 | Astrology, Blog, Garden, Health and Wellbeing, Wellbeing
Moontime Diary 2023 Stockist Store Locator The Moontime Diary is available from September to January in many Book ~ Gift & ~ Healthfood Stores throughout Australia. Click Here for the latest updated Stockist Store Locator: Moontime Stockist Store Locator...
by moontime | Oct 30, 2016 | Blog
The Moontime Diary is a lunar calendar based on Moon Cycles and Moon Phases NEW MOON IN SCORPIO For the New Moon today, the Sun and Moon are meeting in the constellation of Scorpio, a fixed water sign signified by a running snake. Passionate Scorpio is ruled by the...