Southern Hemisphere Seasonal Moon Diary 2023

Keeps You aligned to the Lunar Cycles


The Gregorian Calendar is the calendar most widely used in the world. It is based on the solar year, the time it takes the Earth and its satellite, the Moon, to orbit around the Sun. In a normal year, it takes 365 days, or 366 days in a leap year every four years.

While orbiting around the Sun, we experience the annual seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter and their influence on how we live, farm, work, and even plan our holidays and celebrations.

We can make our life a bit easier, more organised and more sustainable when we also integrate the lunar cycles. It is straightforward, we only need to do or schedule tasks for the most opportune times.

Southern Hemisphere Moon Diary For example, most gardeners know about the Moon’s influence on the growth cycle of plants; others may intuitively plant their seeds at the most opportune time, giving them a better start in life.

Planting or sowing at the worst time disadvantages the plant’s growth and yield. The same principles are applied when tuning other tasks to the lunar cycle:

  • Gardening activities (planting, fertilising, mowing, harvesting etc.);
  • Wellbeing treatments (such as haircuts, facials, and massages);
  • Housekeeping jobs (e.g. window cleaning, laundry, maintenance);
  • Planning (Wicca, moving house, starting and staging projects);
  • Astrology (Planetary Tables, Aspects and their interpretations).



All you need is a Moontime Diary 2023


Unlike any other, the Moontime Diary 2023 brings you the exact times and positions of the Moon and the other planets daily. It is packed with detailed and practical information and guidance to inspire a healthier, more organised and sustainable lifestyle.

The Moontime Diary 2023 is available as a southern hemisphere moon diary and a northern hemisphere moon diary:

Southern Hemisphere Moontime Diary. Click here to purchase.


Moontime Diary 2023 ~ Northern Hemisphere

Northern Hemisphere Moon







#SouthernHemisphereSeasons #MoonSouthernHemisphere, #SouthernHemisphereMoon #MoonPhase, #LunarSeasonalDiary



Some interesting facts by Wikipedia

Distance to Earth: 384,400 km
Radius: 1,737.4 km
Age: 4.53 billion years
Gravity: 1.62 m/s²
Orbital period: 27.5 days