By Moonflower

Moontime International Holidays Calendar, Roberta Orpwood's Art

Soul Bird Art Calendar 2018 illustrated by Roberta Orpwood

New Moon in Virgo this Wednesday 20th September 2017

at 3.29 pm we bring in the new moon in the mutable earth sign of Virgo.

When this energy surrounds us, there is a tendency towards a hyper-critical viewpoint concerning both ourselves and those around us.
It is wise therefore, to remember that although someone else may have a different way of ‘going about’ a task than the way you yourself may approach it, their method or opinion is still valid and worthy of being heard and considered in a respectful way.



Generally speaking, we are all doing the best we can with what we have at any given moment and all of us have something valuable to contribute to the world.

This planet would be a dull place indeed if we all had the very same ideas at the very same time as everyone else!

As always, patience and compassion are key at this time, for yourself, your colleagues, your friends and loved ones.

When we resist the urge to micro-manage our surroundings, truly wonderful things can happen.
Why not ‘go with the flow’ a little more and see how things turn out.

Blessings to all,

Xxx  Moonflower

Our main image is by Roberta Orpwood of Soul Bird Art by Roberta Orpwood, whose gorgeous work is featured in our 2018 calendar and diary.

Remember to check us out at for further astro info to have you living life fully in tune with the moon.

#NewMoon #Moon #Virgo #September2017 #2017 #MoontimeDiary #LunarPhase #MoonCycle