Moontime Dairy 2018, Lunar, Moon, Diary, Chiron by Brian Clark

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Moontime Diary 2018 features

Brian Clark’s introduction to Chiron

You also will be able to follow Chiron’s daily movement and transits, read up on aspect interpretations and interpret the aspects Chiron makes your own chart during 2018.

Chiron carefully stepped down the slopes of Mount Pelion to a rocky outcrop that looked over the Pagasetic Gulf. Cradled in his arms was the young infant Achilles who Chiron had brought to the cliff edge to watch the Argo set sail on its quest for the Golden Fleece. On board was Achilles’ father, Peleus. Chiron had become Achilles’ foster father ever since his mother Thetis had left the child at Chiron’s cave and returned to her sea home.

Moontime Dairy 2018, Chiron, Brian ClarkJason, who led the expedition of the Argonauts, had also been fostered in Chiron’s cave, like many other homeless youths who matured into heroes. To his adoptees Chiron taught the arts of healing and warring, reading the stars, and striving for wholeness.
Chiron himself had been abandoned by his father and relinquished by his mother, so he too knew the pain of rejection.

Fathered by Cronus he was partially divine, but because he was conceived when his father was horse-shaped, he was also part animal. Outward his appearance was Centaur-like, yet he did not belong to their tribe. Isolated, he discovered the wisdom in his wounds, which he taught his disenfranchised students. The wounds he could not heal in himself were helping hands for others’ pain.

One of his students, Heracles, had accidentally wounded the mentor healer, resulting in agonising pain and his eventual death. Wounding and healing were thematic to understanding the Chironic legacy.
As a ‘wounded healer’ he had much to reveal about the mysteries of health, the acceptance of our wounds and the unintentional pain of being human.

Astrologers and Chiron

The image of the healing journey entered astrological thinking identified through Chiron’s cycle in our horoscopes. As astrologers we were invited to reflect on our own wounding. His mythic eminence was evoked when a planetoid, discovered in 1977 orbiting between Saturn and Uranus, was named Chiron. Within weeks of its discovery, astrologers began establishing his archetypal presence on the astrological pantheon. Chiron became recognised and reimagined.

Chiron’s orbit is approximately fifty years. Its return marks an age of personal initiation, a critical period in self acceptance. Nearing this age, between mid-life and later-life, a profound phase emerges. Chiron symbolises dislocation, yet it also signifies how we are alienated from our own true self through choices made throughout life. What is deeply authentic to the soul now needs honouring.

At pivotal points in the life cycle, Chiron encourages healing through accepting our mortality and humanness. At critical times, when the larger story of Chiron intersects with our individual reality, our unplanned pain initiates a heroic effort to reconcile and redeem this wound. During Chironic turning points we face a healing crisis through the sense of physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual injury. These times are also when we are called to something greater in ourselves through the enormity of suffering that may take place.

Chiron recognises the inherent consciousness within the wound. But like Achilles, we are safely cradled in the arms of Chiron, whose wisdom reveals that the pain in our wounds is also a doorway to the soul.

Moontime Diary 2018

features the introduction of Chiron. You’ll be able to follow Chiron’s movement, his daily transits and interpret the aspects Chiron is making to your own chart.


By Brian Clark