It takes the Moon about 29.5 days (one lunar cycle) to move once around the Earth. Every New and Full Moon marks the moments when the impulse changes from waning to waxing to waning. About four times per year the line up between the Earth, Moon and Sun is so exact that the Moon or Earth either partially or fully block (occult) the Sun’s rays and cause the sky to darken.

The New Moon Thursday 1 September 2016 at 7:03 pm, 9 degrees in Virgo is a Solar Eclipse (not visible in Australia) which will be followed by a Lunar Eclipse next Full Moon in Pisces 17 September 2016.

Eclipses are like portals. In those two weeks between eclipses, the veils between us and the spirit world are thinner. We are closer to spirit and our ability to see beyond our reality might increase. Things happening now often are a catalyst for change and ultimately transformation.

The two weeks between this New Moon and the next Full Moon coincide with the planet Mercury (rules Virgo) retrograding in Virgo and the last exact square between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces….

Mercury retrograding in Virgo helps us to get things right! Keep your expectations in check and make the most of these otherwise often annoying times by taking the time to rework, restructure, re read,  rewrite and redo things to perfection. As always, remember to back up your computer files, avoid making decisions, signing contracts and factor in misunderstandings.

This New Moon in Virgo, Thursday 1 September 2016 at 7:03 pm Eastern Australian Time is a very opportune time to set aside an hour or two and align yourself to Virgo’s energy.

Ideally take some quiet time just before 7 pm, make a bit of a ritual and light a candle, some incense, have a glass of  water, juice or wine and maybe hold a favorite crystal in your hands. Sit comfortably, inhale and exhale deeply until you relax and settle in.

Identify and reflect on those issues or habits related to Virgo. For example you can ask yourself:

  • How can I deliver my tax return in four weeks?
  • How can I be less critical or more compassionate to myself an others?
  • How can I develop healthy routines?
  • How can I support my digestive system?

Brainstorm and write down what comes to your mind. Analyse and reorder all points, set your goals and chunk them into achievable steps. Moon Rituals such as this, make us more aware of seasons and cycles and ultimately help us create our reality more consciously.

With Love n Moonlight 🙂

moontime diary 2017


On pages 34 and 35 in your Moontime Diary 2016 you find more Virgo aligned inspiration.









More interesting reading:

Astro-forecast for September 2016  by Tina Mews

The Veil That Separates Us from the Spirit Realms  by Roy Smith