Gisela’s Weekly for Week Four in 2014
Are you feeling the thumb screws getting tighter? Read Moontime Diary 2014 – Gisela’s Weekly for a celestial weekly insight:
Monday things lighten up as the Sun moves out of Capricorn into Aquarius. A day when good ideas are born and meetings go well. Remember the grand cross from the beginning of this lunar cycle? Well it’s back again and this time we have Venus and Pluto in Capricorn opposite Jupiter in Cancer, squaring the Moon in Libra opposite Uranus. From Wednesday afternoon to Thursday morning there is a lot of tension and potential for conflict within and without. Try and regain mental equilibrium as the Moon has a fleeting air trine with Mercury. Friday morning, a nice water trine from Moon to Neptune and Chiron suggests a good day for emotional healing or transformation. Saturday evening and Sunday morning have a rather sober outlook when the Moon joins Saturn. Mercury square Saturn adds to a realistic or even pessimistic mental approach to what is happening.