Moontime Diary Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox ~ Wellbeing ~ Home & Garden

Spring Equinox for your Wellbeing ~ Home & Garden

September equinox is a special time for those of us who live in southern hemisphere. Flowers bloom and our cold blooded friends are warming up as the air has that spring feel to it. On Friday 23 September, the Sun entering Libra shines directly on the equator, equalising the length of day and night. Mercury starts moving direct after giving us ample opportunities to redo, re structure and re organise in the last three weeks … And – lets not to forget, the Sun aligns with Jupiter, initiating Jupiter’s cyclic stay in Libra ( for the next year).

In other words, the emphasis shifts from perfectionism and criticism, health and cleanliness to beauty, harmony and partnerships, how wonderful:) This new energetic impulse reminds us to let go of the winter stuckness, to open the windows and dust off the cobwebs.

Embrace the urges of spring as they favor:

  • Looking for a suitable mate (new Moon in Libra Saturday 1 October)
  • Dusting, cleaning and windows ( best while waning)
  • Preparing the garden (best in water and earth signs)
  • A natural body cleanse to flush out waste and toxins (preferably when the Moon is waning)
  • Tending to your hair such as washing, cutting, dying, removing ….
  • A hair cut to strengthen re growth always best when the Moon is in Leo, preferably waxing ( unfortunately this is not the case in the second half of the year).
  • Short haircuts need trimming more often and most of us tend to be very particular about it…. in this case, consider the days when the Moon moves through Virgo, preferably waning (which is the case until Feb 2017).
  • As always, avoid washing and cutting you hair when the Moon moves through a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). This way you reduce the need to wash and condition your hair considerably over time.

Try it, it really makes a difference.

Modern Pagans observe an annual cycle of seasonal festivals and dedicate the Spring Equinox to Ostara, the fertility goddess. Find out more and share on facebook,

Moontime Diary wishes you a wonderful Spring Equinox and heartfelt Ostara